
I see my reflection in the mirror.

When I cry does it make it clearer?

What do I have to do to be seen;

Do I have to leave?

Where’s my reprieve?

What’s the point of it all?

The space in between,

Is it not a space for me?

Can’t count on humans.

Can’t count on friends.

Can count on the creator;

My demands,

He understands.

Do you see my countenance?

Do you see my stance?

Am I big enough,

To matter in your hands.

The space in between,

May not be fit for me.

But I was made to be seen.

And in my reflection I believe,

I hold all the power of such a lowly tree.

Since a babe

God forbade 

Satan to end my terrain.

He took the pain,

So one day I could remain.

Yet and still I am tormented.

By what I see and what I know.

Only God can help me grow.

My reflection in the mirror may never change,

At least the Creator still calls me by my name.


I will try the very first day.

