the lamination over my heart, is thawing.
brand new days, seem less appalling.
now, I rather meet a stranger than a friend.
I rather face my fear of danger, than romance.
my pride continues to stay inside.
my grace is fleeting.
but my mind is leading me to another tower of peace.
I am all I need.
I only have to check myself -
and not the ones that I let into my space.
I can’t control anyone else.
but I’m finding joy in the pain.
there’s joy found in my tears.
and sunshine follows after the rain.
after all these years, I face my true self and look ashamed.
I let people speak ill on my name.
I let those closest to me cause excruciating pain.
or is that something they did?
some hid behind their well of lies.
threw rocks and stones at me -
but couldn’t handle them being thrown back.
look at that!
the truth remains.
I am no victim.
but I speak up against lies.
I speak up against bullies.
and I detest those who have swarming bees of animosity that follow them -
with gut wrenching narcissist tendencies.
y’all never saw my side.
I can’t handle the fakeness.
I can only handle the truth.
I am my own keeper.
you do you.
have fun living in the theme park of your own mental deception and frills.
I got off the ride.
I’m taking care of myself.
I wish you nothing but blessings and good health.